Boy's Team Head-Coach

We would like to welcome and introduce coach REGULO GARMONA to Gymnastics World.

He has been involved in the sport of Gymnastics for the past 4 decades as a competitive gymnast as well as a coach.

His professional gymnastics career and accomplishments include multiple titles at South/Central America Championships, 4 times winner of Pan American Championships, 2007/2011 World Championships and Multiple World Cups as a finalist. He even has a very difficult strength skill named after him on the Rings. Needless to say, Regulo was an incredible athlete, who has left his mark on the sport as and athlete as well as a coach.
He has trained multiple champions including olympians in the past decade. From Houston to California he has helped several gymnastics programs produce high level gymnastics.

I am proud to have Regulo join our GW family and to bring his expertise and love for the sport to help our young athletes thrive in their athletics and personal life.
Regulo Carmona Head shot


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